Heather's Place

Inspirational Poems

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As You Travel Through Life….
(One of the classic inspirational poems)

As you travel through life there are always those times
When decisions just have to be made,
When the choices are hard, and solutions seem scarce,
And the rain seems to soak your parade.

There are some situations where all you can do
Is simply let go and move on,
Gather your courage and choose a direction
That carries you toward a new dawn.

So pack up your troubles and take a step forward -
The process of change can be tough,
But think about all the excitement ahead

There might be adventures you never imagined
Just waiting around the next bend,
And wishes and dreams just about to come true
In ways you can't yet comprehend!

Perhaps you'll find friendships that spring from new things
As you challenge your status quo,
And learn there are so many options in life,

Perhaps you'll go places you never expected
And see things that you've never seen,
Or travel to fabulous, faraway worlds
And wonderful spots in between!

Perhaps you'll find warmth and affection and caring
And somebody special who's there
To help you stay cantered and listen with interest
To stories and feelings you share.

Perhaps you'll find comfort in knowing your friends
Are supportive of all that you do,
And believe that whatever decisions you make,
They'll be the right choices for you.

So keep putting one foot in front of the other,
And taking your life day by day...
There's a brighter tomorrow that's just down the road -
Don't look back! You're not going that way!

~Author Unknown

Be Thankful
(One of the classic inspirational poems)

Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don't know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,
because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge,
because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach
you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary,
because it means you've made a difference.

It's easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who
are also thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
and they can become your blessings.

~Author Unknown

By Changing Your Thinking

(One of the classic inspirational poems)


By Changing Your Thinking,

You change your beliefs;


When you change your beliefs,

You change your expectations;


When you change your expectations,

You change your attitude;


When you change your attitude,

You change your behavior;


When you change your behavior,

You change your performance;


When you change your performance,

You Change Your Life!


~Author Unknown



Change Your World


You cannot change the world, but you can present the

world with one improved person, yourself.


You can go to work on yourself to make yourself into

the kind of person you admire and respect.


You can become a role model and set a standard for others.


You can control and discipline yourself to resist acting or

speaking in a negative way toward anyone for any reason.


You can insist upon always doing things the loving way,

rather than the harmful way.


By doing these things each day, you can continue on your

journey toward becoming an exceptional human being.


~Brian Tracy



It's not what people eat,

But what they digest

That makes them strong

It is not what they gain

But what they save

That makes them rich

It is not what they read

But what they remember

That makes them learn.

It is by teaching that we teach ourselves,

By relating that we observe

By affirming that we examine

By showing that we look

By writing that we think

By pumping that we draw water into the well.

-Henri Fredric Amiel