Heather's Place

Friendship Poems

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A Friend Most True


I need to know if you’re my true friend.
Will you be by my side until the end?
Can I tell you my secrets deep,
and trust them in your heart you’ll keep?
I’ll be a shoulder to cry on when you’re blue;
will you be there for me when I need you?
No matter how busy I will make time for you,
if you are busy will you make time for me too?
I will give you joy and many warm smiles;
can we share that even across many miles?
I will not forget what’s important to you;
will you remember what’s important to me too?
With you my most favorite things I’ll share,
If only I know do you truly care?
If you can accept me as I do you,
then I will know you are a friend most true.



Life Without Friendship


Life without friendship...
is like the dawn without the sun.


Life without friendship...
is like the sky without the moon
when the evening has begun.

Life without friendship...
is like a rose without rain.

Life without friendship...
just wouldn't be the same.

Life without friendship...
is like a ship without a sea.

Life without friendship...
just could not be
without a friend like you for me.

~Author Unknown


Remember that a little love goes a long way. 
Remember that a lot... goes forever. 
Remember that friendship is a wise investment. 
Life's treasures are people... together. 
Realize that it's never too late. 
Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way. 
Have health and hope and happiness. 
Take the time to wish upon a star. 
And don't ever forget... for even a day... 
How very special you are.
~Douglas Pagels Collection
A friend is someone we turn to 
when our spirits need a lift, 
a friends is someone we treasure 
for our friendship is a gift. 
A friend is someone who fills our lives 
with beauty, joy, and grace 
and makes the whole world we live in 
a better and happier place.
~Jean Kyler McManus

You my friend

You don’t always show it,

But I know that you care.


You my friend 
If I'd ever need you, 
I know you'd be there.

You I'm glad you're my friend. 
Your smile makes me smile. 
Your pain makes me hurt.

You my friend 
I want you to know:
If you need me - I'm there.
Make you happy,
make you laugh.

You my friend 
sometimes you make me mad,
but I can't stay mad.

You my friend 
sometimes I want to get away from you. 
And sometimes there's nothing I want more than:
to talk to you,
to tell you about my day, 
to hear about yours,
to laugh with you, 
to tease you,
to share an inside joke,
that no one else would get, 
to argue with you,
but know we're just kidding..

You my friend
Do you remember the time when...?
There are so many times.

You my friend
don’t ever lose the wonderful person you are. 
Stay happy. 
Stay healthy.
Stay you.

You my friend 
I'll never stop being your friend.
Don't ever stop being mine.


You my friend

Just wanted to tell you:

I care.


~Author Unknown



Everyone Needs Someone

People need people and friends need friends 
And we all need love for a full life depends 
Not on vast riches or great acclaim, 
Not on success or on worldy fame, 
But just in knowing that someone cares 
And holds us close in their thoughts and prayers- 
For only the knowledge that we're understood 
Makes everyday living feel wonderfully good, 
And we rob ourselves of life's greatest need 
When we "lock up our hearts" and fail to heed 
The outstretched hand reaching to find 
A kindred spirit whose heart and mind
Are lonely and longing to somehow share 
Our joys and sorrows and to make us aware 
That life's completeness and richness depends 
On the things we share with our loved ones 
and friends.


~Helen Steiner Rice



There's a miracle of Friendship
that dwells within the heart, 
And you don't know how it happens 
or where it gets its start... 
But the happiness it brings you
always gives a special lift, 
And you realize that Friendship 
Is God's most perfect gift.


~Jean Kyler McManus



A Friend

When you need someone . . . who will be there?
When you are sad . . . who will care?
When you are bored . . . who will help the hours pass?
A Friend.

When it rains . . . who makes the sun shine again?
When there's a secret to hide . . . who can you confide?
A friend.

When you are in trouble . . . who will be there on the double?
When you are in love . . . who will be the first to know?
A friend.

When you cry . . . who will come to your aid?
When you get married . . . who will be your bridesmaid?

And who will reassure,
And who will push you along,
And who can you depend on,
And who will never go
And who will always be there?


A Friend!